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Pubg Seemingly Coming to PS4 in December

 will be coming to PS4 after a year of Xbox One console exclusivity, if the PS4 game database is any indication.
A user on the PSNProfiles forum spotted that information about PUBG was present on Sony's servers, including a content ID code for the North American and European versions, as well as images.
Niko Partners analyst Daniel Ahmad corroborated the rumor on the forum ResetEra, adding that it would be out in December. If Microsoft's console exclusivity deal had been for a year, this timing makes sense, as PUBG was first introduced to the Xbox One Preview program in December 2017.
The revelation comes less than two months after the PlayStation 4 version of PUBG was spotted on the Korean rating board website, which indicated that an announcement was on the way.
As of now, PUBG Corporation and publisher Bluehole have not announced the game for platforms other than PC and Xbox One, but Bluehole was reportedly in talks with Sonyregarding a PS4 version as early as last October. An iOS and Android version called PUBG Mobile is also available.



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